
Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB) is a non-government organization founded in 1987. ACLAB is registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau and Department of Social Services of Bangladesh Government and started working with relief operations for the flood victims in 1988. At present ACLAB is working in different districts of Bangladesh i.e. Cox’s Bazar, Dhaka, Barishal, Jessore, Jhenidah, Lalmonirhat etc. Currently, it has 35 project offices in different project areas including 905 regular & project staffs along with 160 volunteers.

The organization has implemented several programs focused on health and nutrition, poverty alleviation, illiteracy reduction, disaster preparedness, life skills and vocational education & training, DRR, Health and WASH, women and child protection, Human Trafficking, human rights, good governance, legal aid etc. It has established strong networking and always maintained a good relationship with different Government & non-Government organizations (NGOs, CBOs) etc. It holds membership in different national and international forums.

After the influx of Rohingyas at Teknaf & Ukhiya of cox’s Bazar  district, ACLAB & community Radio Naf 99.2 FM started humanitarian  responses among the displaced people with the collaboration of  government, donors, local organizations & bodies.

Currently, ACLAB has been implementing the number of projects with the support of Government, national and international donors which are: Non-Formal Education Program for Children, Eradication of Hazardous Child Labor in Bangladesh, Community Legal Service, International Professional Exchange Program of NOREC, Tobacco Control Program, Malaria Prevention and Control Program, Income Generation Activities (IGA), Vulnerable Group Development (VGD), Community Radio Program, Scaling Up Nutrition Program, Policy Advocacy for Positioning the Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights, Link-Up Project on SRHR-HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS Intervention Services, Safe Migration for Bangladeshi Workers, Bio-Gas Planting and Improved Stove Uses to Reduce Carbon Emissions and Development of Alternate Fuel Resources, HIV/AIDS Prevention Program for construction workers, Human Rights Program, Communication and support services program for Rohingya and the Host Community people.

After the influx of Rohingyas at Teknaf & Ukhiya of cox’s Bazar district, ACLAB & community Radio Naf 99.2 FM started humanitarian responses among the displaced people with the collaboration of government, donors, local organizations & bodies through relief work, life-saving information dissemination, Government instruction & guideline, Health & WASH, awareness activities on different social issues, woman & child protection, GBV, non-formal education, vocational & life skill training, disaster preparedness etc. Beside, ACLAB is also involved in different committees and forums formed by international and national organizations for the wellbeing of the Rohingya communities.

The organization is working & implementing its program & project with the support from different donors and Government Department such as UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, IOM, Plan International, DW Akademie, John Hopkins University, Red Crescent, Winrock International, Action Aid, BRAC, Christian Aid, Bangladesh Government etc.

Published on: Friday, 1 May 2020, 02:27 am   ▪   Last update: Wednesday, 6 July 2022, 07:31 pm   ▪   Total View of this Page: 5315

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