Partnership and Networking

ACLAB has established working partnership with Ministries of Education, Health & Family Welfare, Social Welfare, Women and Child Affairs, Labor and Manpower, Local Government, Information and Communication and also Bangladesh Bank, World Bank, ADB, UNDP, UNICEF, Winrock International, ILO, SDC, JSDF, NGO Foundation, BRAC, BNNRC, PIACT Bangladesh, DORP, Aparajeyo Bangladesh, HASAB, Bloomberg Philanthropies and International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), Winrock International, CSA for SUN, BD. In implementing development projects, ACLAB focuses on building networking & linkage with GO, NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and private sector. Good relationship is maintained with the local Government bodies, officials from law enforcers and other Government departments, local informal leaders, journalists, religious leaders, civil society representatives and community people.

Published on: Saturday, 2 May 2020, 03:27 pm   ▪   Total View of this Page: 4612

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