CLIMB Project
ACLAB has been working with WINROCK International in CLIMB project at Cox’sbazar addressing child labor in dried fish sector. Objective of the project is to improved capacity of civil society to understand and address child labor and forced child labor and promote acceptable conditions of work for children in the dried fish sector (DFS) in southeast Bangladesh.
Project Goal:
Reduced child labor and increased acceptable conditions of work in the dried fish sector (DFS) in southeast Bangladesh.
Project Objective:
Improved capacity of civil society to understand and address child labor and forced child labor and promote acceptable conditions of work for children in the dried fish sector (DFS) in southeast Bangladesh.
CLIMB project activity:
Activity – 1: Activation and Functioning of the District and Upazila Child Labor Monitoring
Activity – 2: Meeting to be organized for DCLMC and UCLMC as per GoB committee resolution.
Activity – 3: Observation of National and International Day
Activity – 4: Billboard establishments for awareness. ACLAB will establish 2-4 billboards for awareness rising in entrance of Cox’s Bazar and Dried fish area.
Activity – 5: Development of IEC Material.
Activity – 6: Capacity building consultation workshops with DCLMC & UCLMC and relevant ministries.
Activity – 7: Capacity building training on existing policies and effective advocacy for CSOs
Activity – 8: Organize workshops to develop rapport/network/platform with relevant government, non-government service providers
Activity – 9: Referral/linkage with GO/NGOs/CSOs and other service providers for CL, Families and service providers on social safety net of the government and private sector on alternative livelihood and IGA:
Activity – 10: Update the Service Directory: The existing Directory shall be updated/ modified as needed and compiled for better and comprehensive use by all concerned through Consultation meeting with service providers and other relevant stakeholders.
Activity – 11: Wellbeing analysis and need assessment of CL and Families:
Activity – 12: Sign MOU with different service providers (Government/Private)
Activity – 13: Actively link communities to govt. agencies for skill development and livelihood services.
Activity – 14: Training of CSO Partners in the referral network
Activity – 15: Consultation workshop with govt. agencies on situation and needs of vulnerable families
Activity – 16: Engage the private sector on low skill job opportunities
Activity – 17: (a) Advocacy workshop and access of youth to the minimum level of education
Activity – 17: (b) Strengthen Advocacy and access of youth to the minimum level of education
Activity – 18: Advocacy to the DFS Business association
Project Summary:
Duration: October 2019 to December 2020
Fund: BDT 62,72,355.00
Location: Nazirhattek , Cox’sBazar
Published on: Monday, 29 June 2020, 01:32 pm ▪ Total View of this Page: 2517