COVID-19 Response By ACLAB
COVID 19 is a pandemic in all over the world. Like many other countries Bangladesh has been suffering in this critical situation. Many places has locked down and activities is somewhere shut down and somewhere limited. As a development organization ACLAB understand this uniquely challenging time, where peoples may be experiencing heightened emotions. In this emergency response ACLAB mission is to support the vulnerable communities both Rohingya and Hosts in Cox’s Bazar with the tools that need to cultivate and maintain balance and fight against COVID-19. With the support of UNICEF, ACLAB lead the risk communication campaign on COVID-19 emergency response in Cox’s Bazar.
Published on: Sunday, 10 May 2020, 04:44 pm ▪ Last update: Sunday, 10 May 2020, 04:45 pm ▪ Total View of this Page: 1411